Safety Health Environment

TSMC recognizes that the prevention of accidents to employees and the prevention of damage to equipment and property are essential to ensure the safety of all employees and to conduct operations in a safe and efficient manner both at the company facilities and work sites

The responsibility for ensuring safe work practices lies wholly with the company while ensuring conformance with government legislation and statutory requirements. It is, therefore, the company policy to ensure, that all employees, through all responsible precautions have been taken to
ensure the welfare and health of all individuals

It is the duty of all employees to cooperate with the management to ensure that the company safety policy is adhered to at all times. Each employee is responsible for working in a safe manner. They must not, by any act or omission, knowingly endanger themselves, their colleagues, or the general public

The company policy with regard to safety shall be interring alias:
To conduct its operations and activities in a manner that ensures the health and safety of its personnel and its staff, and
sub-contract personnel and any other persons who may directly or indirectly be involved in the company activities

To ensure the protection, maintenance and general upkeep of any and all plant machinery and equipment
used by the company before, during and after any activity.

To abide by all the rules and regulations governing the safety of the company activities whether they are law, statute, advisory or
others. Where procedural conflict may occur the safer procedure will prevail

To welcome, encourage and give credence to any suggestion, improvement, amendment or either advice that may be offered to
the bored by any person within the company, related or unrelated to the company.

To support and implement any method that will improve safety levels and procedures.
To ensure by procedures, maintenance and inspections that all plant, machinery and equipment is maintained at a level where it
remains safe and reliable without the risk of injury or sickness to users of the said plant, machinery and equipment.

To report and analyze all incidents or injury and to make recommendations that would prevent recurrences.
To monitor all company activities performed by company
personnel and other related persons to ensure strict adherence to safety procedures.

To maintain the company target annually at a zero accident rate all levels of activity.